Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Ahhhh, Hello? Is Thing On? Bueller? Bueller?

I've been absent for two whole weeks with no sick note! Oh the shame! I feel like such a rebel bad ass. It's cool, peeps, someday I'll teach you the ways of such rebellious behavior. For now, however, we stick to the newbie-goody-two-shoes ways and learn of why RHN has been out sick with no sick note. Hell, you know what? This will be my sick note!

First off, we have been working at RHN. Oh yes we have. And we have actually made progress. Oh yes we did. The bathroom looks AMAZING. Yep, that's a big pat on the back for the doers of magic at RHN. (Ha! I just said magicians in the longest way possible. I'm a knucklehead.) The extra long pipe in the kitchen that was blocking us from installing the new hardwood flooring pieces (Thanks Mr. & Mrs. Toth!) and the rest of cabinets has disappeared too. Poof! Oh hey, maybe you have you no idea of which debacle I speak of. Ok, let this doer of magic explain. In the kitchen by the door to the deck there are heating radiators (they're everywhere actually) and one of the heating pipes was this awkward perpendicular piece that shot off the wall, was in the way, and had no cover. Wtf? The piece wasn't significant in that it was literally only about 2 feet long. So, what does a couple doers of magic do? We (ok, Ed) drains the system, cuts the wtf pipe at the angle, drills another hole in the floor, adds in additional pipe to the cut piece, fits it to where the old wtf pipe was, solders it up, re-pressurizes the system, hopes to holy cheese the solder holds, and wham! no more wtf pipe. See? Magic. Captivating. No? Did I actually hear a "ooohhhh...ahhhhh...?" Now we can repair the u-g-l-y your motha ain't got to alibi pieces of ruined hardwood and finish installing those damn cabinets. Geesh.

Before Magic
After Magic

The bathroom has a fully tiled floor and shower. Hi-tech, right? It also has window moulding, floor moulding, a new-non-pink bathtub, outlets, lights, a fan, a newly painted ceiling and walls and get this, a new-non-pink-toilet. Yep! We (ok, Ed, again) installed the new eco-friendly smart flush toilet on Sunday. All that's left to do in the room is install the vanity and sink and the sconces. I also still have to get a shower curtain, rod, accessories, etc., but that should be the easy and fun part! Oh, right, and I'm still depriving you of pictures.

The master bedroom has been primed and painted. We went with the same gray that is in the living room for two reasons: 1.) Ed really liked the color and it goes with our bedding beautifully. 2.) We had a little over a half gallon left from the living room. We won't be touching the master bath just yet, however we do have a plan and while it's nothing crazy, it's going to require some demo and obviously time - both of which we are either in the mood for or have time for right now. To the back burner it goes!

I picked up two free chairs on the side of the road this weekend. They are awesome, but need paint and a reupholster. I am psyched. 

RHN had some visitors this weekend - Kathryn and Philip and Rick and Stef - and so far our blood, sweat, and tears has received nothing but giant thumbs up all around. The initial reaction of all that come to see the origin of our stress hizzy, always have the same first reaction - holy sheet!rock!! This place is huge! Which when I actually stood back and looked at the hizzy, it is big and the renovations and additions have only made it look bigger and more open. The fluidity of the whole space makes me happy. Well that and the fact there is no longer the loooooonnnngggg list of craptastic fails hanging about staring at me in the face and taunting me. Yea, the nanny-nanny-boo-boo's were killing me. So, with my sick note complete, I bid you farewell. Well, that is until I tell you about a few non-RHN related adventures that have taken place in the past two weekends... Yes, they were beyond fun. And no, no one was arrested.

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