And my friends ...... we have a house!!!!
Ok, so there's no tale, really. We closed yesterday and got the key today!! Ed and I are more excited than you know (no really, we are). However, I can't sit behind this computer screen and tell you that we aren't just a little bit terrified. I know, I know, it's a 'good' terrified, and we both truly believe it. This is a one MILLION percent upgrade from the 12550 address we used to have. Yea, our 'old hood' is now riddled with gang and drug busts weekly by the FBI (yea, breaking out the big guns - literally). Compared to that, this terrified feeling is most welcome. So all-in-all we are looking forward to all of the renovations, aggravation, guests, cookouts and family gatherings. And yes, if you must know, the fact that #9 is an odd number drives me crazy. I'm just happy it's not prime and it has a square root.
Oh! P.S. Our Real Estate agent gifted us this:
Yep, she's amazing!! Give it up - whaaaat-whaaaaatttt!!
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