Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Dude, Man, We Got Pot(s).

Before you call the DEA on me, I'm not talking the green leafy variety, however, you still can light up the type I'm talking and yes, they're high, but will not get you high - blind maybe, but not high.  Sorry, kids.  This past weekend boasted a lot of progress and a shit ton of hours spent at humble casa numero nueve.

I am over the concrete floor in the basement.  OVER. IT. DONEZO. My back, quads, and I will joyfully rejoice when that floor is done.  I may even higher a baptist church choir to come and sing when its final minutes of drying time are complete.  Could you imagine?  A baptist church choir in our basement rejoicing a concrete floor.  Man, wouldn't the neighbors be impressed??  Or they may just call the cops... Anyway, back to the floor.  After I tore up the faux(pas) floor, then the tile, then bean-e-doo'd the crap out of the nasty mastic, then simple green scrubbed it, then let it dry for a week, THEN this weekend I acid etched the floor to ready it for its finishing phase.  Let me tell you, that acid etching stuff is straight out of a cartoon where the bad guy is trying to dunk the good guy into a vat of bubbling acid to strip him of his powers. They're freakin' sharks with laser beams attached to their freakin' heads. Mua-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!  (Austin Powers reference. No? Do I hear crickets?)  I had to armor myself with acid proof gloves on my hands and feet, hence the weird looking feet fingers.  They look like Mickey on crack.  I'm classy.  
*a cleaned, etched, read-to-paint floor. glorious!*
Dad and Adam worked on the pot recessed lights in the kitchen.  We were originally going to have 6 total, but 5 (even though that's an odd number and throws the symmetry off - it gets me every time!!) was the magic number.  We decided on 5 pot lights because 6 pot lights turned into being more like a jersey shore tanning bed than a kitchen.  The wiring was ridiculous.  It was a cluster fudge.  It was an all around fire hazard and how the house didn't burn down before we got to it is beyond me.  You think I'm kidding?  Ask Will and my Dad.  Disastrous.
*look! pot(s)*
Meanwhile...back at the ranch. Oh wait. We are at the ranch. Whatever.  Ed sheet rocked the bathroom.  Dudes and dudettes, that bathroom looks like a room again and it's beautiful.  Ok, not as beautiful as it will be someday, but it's far more beautiful than it was.  Next up is some tile work and getting Ed to begin building that gorgeous vanity.  Oooohhh ... I just gave a hint away....do-da, do-da. (sorry I didn't take any pictures of the sheet rocked goodness. I guess I was THAT tired.)

The very last project of the weekend was completed Sunday night at about 8:30pm.  It was a long-ass day.  Hell, it was a long-ass weekend!  We can see on the back deck at night.  Can you believe it?  Me either!  It was so dark out there due to the lack of peeps with lights in our immediate vicinity (just how we like it!) that we needed lights.  The kitchen wall is naked. Oh la la!  It needs insulation and vapor barrier, but before we could do that the wiring had to be completed.  Annnnd being the complete pain in the ass that I am, I wanted  requested two lights out on the deck.  Well, fast forward to the siding issue and let's just say Ed got mad.  Anyone who knows Ed knows he doesn't really get mad.  He frisbee'd a siding tile so far into the woods with such vengeance he almost took me out and the neighbors truck.  Of course he did so outta frustration and I'm happy to say he got it right and we have happy a tile, a happy Ed and a happy glowing light.  All is good in the world.
*new switch that wasn't there before. my dad is crafty*
So, friends, pals, chums, mates until this (3 day) weekend ... cheers.  

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