Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Not Neglecting Nine.

The past few weeks have been kind of tough for all of us 'round here, but we haven't lost focus on our goal - a move-in date. This past weekend on Sunday, my fabulously fabulous in-laws (Ma, Pa, Marilyn, & Tyler) came down to Red House Nine for a little visit. This was the first time my MIL and FIL had been to RHN (oh! acronyms! Ed LOVES acronyms! he'd be proud of my usage) and they asked for a grand tour. Honestly, it's funny when people come to RHN and get the grand tour; they always seem amazed at a few select things: 1) the openness of the floor plan. 2) the sheer size of the house and how much room we have.  (I could insert a joke about being married  here.) 3) we get a lot of comments on what the h-e-double-hockey-sticks were these people thinking?! I don't know how to answer that question due to the fact that I myself ask that question every single time I walk into the joint. 

So, while we were away tending to family crises, we also spent some quality time with RHN to continue working there readying the hizzy for Mission Impossible: Move-in Before Christmas. I tell you, a little paint does really transform a space, however, one of the colors I chose, I feel I may have done so in error as it pulled a chameleon trick on me and went to a shade that makes me want cringe a little and make that ugly 'what the hell? I didn't pick this color' face. I *think* it's the crap-tastic Ikea-make-everything-pink bulbs, but I won't be sure until we purchase new hallway ceiling lights, install, and flip on. 

Hopefully this weekend we will be able to purchase cabinets for the kitchen and Ed will build his furniture items he wants to build. Then we also have to get shower tile (obviously for the bathroom, since we don't shower in the kitchen. I know, weird, right?) and floor tile for the kitchen. We are stumped about the floor tile for the kitchen. I think we have an idea, but again, we revisit the indecisiveness Ed and I both proudly display. The hardwood floors are being re-finished starting Thursday, but I learned some very sad news. They aren't going to stain them a darker wood color like I had thought. Wah-wah. I was SO hoping for a darker, richer, punch of wood floor - which, we could still get at a pretty decent price tag, but instead they're going to be blonde. ICK! I seriously hope that I don't hate them. I'm not a big fan of light colored hard woods, and this will be the entire house. In the grand scheme of things in life I know this isn't a huge deal, but I have to look at them every. single. day. and if I hate them it will drive me batty (yes, more so than I already am, thankyouverymuch). 

So, besides paint and me rambling on aboot (do I sound like Mike Holmes?) nothing, we have also finished putting holy sheet!rock up on the kitchen ceiling, and conquered our first ever sit around an actual table to eat BBQ with (acronym time!) MIL, FIL, SIL, BIL and the rest of the gang at RHN, and an epic clean-up of EVERYTHING in the house for the guys to do the floors. It was epic. And dirty. And at times, kinda funny. I'm sorry there are no pictures, but how many times can I show you holy sheet!rock and have you say oooohhh... ?  That's what I thought. Until the floors are complete and fully cured, we can't really get into the house and do anything, but when we can I'll dish up a heaping pile of before and after pics - done just how you like um. Cheers. 

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