I seriously LOVE. OUR. FLOORS. Yea, yea, I can hear the I-told-you-so's from here. What? As far as I was concerned, the pee stain yellow that was there before was going to rear it's very ugly head and stay forever in our home. That's why I really wanted a medium stain - you see now? Pee stain yellow compliments nothing we have in way of ... anything. Plus, it's pee stain yellow throughout the entire house. You can't get much worse.
Anywhoosle, the new floors have transformed RHN into a hardwood floor paradise (they must have run out of fruity cocktails, they were no where to be found). Much to my surprise, the guys at TH were able to fill, patch, and sand all of the nasty spots on the floors. Don't remember? I'll post the video tour so you can check all the horridness again.
So, let's begin show and tell with before and afters of our wood floors.
First up: The entryway that used to have the closet.
Next up: Giant Room
So, those are just a taste of the before and after comparisons. I have more, but I figured I mine as well just cut to the chase and dish the afters. Eye candy for all. You're welcome.
Stairway to Heaven |
Spare Bedroom/Office |
Giant Room Looking Towards Entryway |
Looking From Entryway to Giant Room |
Upstairs Hallway |
Looking Down Upstairs Steps |
And that my friends is how amazingly gorgeous our floors turned out. They aren't as glossy as I had imagined they being, but sealed up and loved nonetheless. While Ed and I were at Lowes the other day buying the store out of every single bathroom supply they had, we found Connor a ceiling fan to replace the old craptastic one that was in his room - missing blades and all. He had originally picked a ceiling fan out that honestly looked as if it belonged in a 85 year old woman's house in Florida. I had to remind Cman that he is in fact: 1) a boy 2) he's 13 not 85 and 3) he's a 13 year old boy - he needs a boy fan! Well come to find out, Cman is not confused as to whether or not he's a 13 year old boy or an 85 year old female, in the end all Cman wanted was the luxury of laziness. Yes, he had to have a fan with a remote. Now, it could just be the sheer coolness factor that no only can he use the switch, but a remote as well ... or it's the sheer fact that he's 13 and less is more in terms of effort. However, if we were talking room color, that statement just made would be a flat out lie. So, we found said boy ceiling fan on clearance Clarence (what's your vector Victor? C'mon! I know you know this! I know Marilyn and Ma know it) and my dad installed it last night in Cmans room.

See what I mean by no lack of less is more in room color choice? I bet you're thinking, it's not that bad, well that's because I used a flash. It reflects green all the way into the hallway and into the other bedrooms. I'm not complaining, Cman is happy and loves his chalkboard paint wall. That's all that matters to us.
Well, that rounds up this episode of RHN. I'm hoping this upcoming weekend will be full of accomplishments and project completions. Ed has built a piece of furniture that deserves its own post and some tweaking has been made to accommodate some 'things'. Vague you say? Of course! It's only because I heart you!
those floors are slammin!!! can't wait to see those suckers in person. i'll even wear those booties like it's a crime scene so i don't jack anything up. (roger, over...over, under.)
ReplyDeleteand dude, even Frumpka would agree with me.