The past two weekends have been crazy fun for all. Seriously, I felt like I was playing hooky for two Sunday's in a row. It was liberating and rebellious all in one! Why you ask? Well, you see, EVERY. SINGLE. WEEKEND since May, we have been slaving away at the hizzy. Now, don't get me wrong, we both very much understand that unless Merlin or Harry Potter show up, the house isn't going to fix itself so we are the Merlin's and HP's of this novel, but 6 months into this and not really getting a break to do anything fun takes its toll. What ever shall this newlywed couple do? Enter a one year marriage anniversary and visiting friends from an island far, far away. Ok, not that far, but I couldn't swim it!
Sunday, October 16th, marked one year since Ed and I said I do. I know I've said this probably a hundred times before, but I thought that would never happen. I honestly feel like marriage is a perfect, natural fit for us and I was excited to plan a little celebration. Since we got married in Williamsburg, Brooklyn last year, we thought it would be awesome to go back to MyMoon (where we got married) and enjoy our first anniversary meal there. However, Brooklyn is a long traffic filled drive just for chow, so I planned a whole day. I got us tickets to see the Broadway show - Ed's 1st!! - Rock of Ages.

We caught the matinee which was great because we were able to hit up a few pubs for a few pints before we went to be seated and departed early enough to catch all the Park Ave and FDR traffic we could ask for. The show was AMAZING. Holy sheet!!rock people go see it. Seriously, Ed and I were clapping, singing, and laughing the entire show - yes, you read that correctly, Ed was loving it! We both were. After the show we found an Irish pub in the theatre district (thanks, yelp!) and each enjoyed a black and tan. Dinner at MyMoon was delicious as always and really made the anniversary an anniversary.
The weekend after our anniversary, Kathryn and Philip flew into town and we had visitors! Kate and I have been friends for just about 30 years and we all just adore her husband, Philip...especially a certain 13 year old I happen to know. They currently reside in Bermuda (I know, right? Jealous much? I know with winter here, I am!) and we don't get to see them nearly as much as we did when they lived in this was a treat! Sunday we all went into the city and stayed at the super fancy Carlyle Hotel which is on the upper east side. While Kate was in training (boo!!) Philip, Ed, Cman, and I all went on a tour of Manhattan on Monday. We gave Philip the reins in terms of what he wanted to see and we toured the whole island!
Originally we all wanted to hit up the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island, but it is sold out for a month! Booo! So, instead, we first went to Central Park and the Central Park Zoo. We saw all sorts of awesome creatures and got really close to some really crazy looking red eyed peacock type bird. We also found a parrot to befriend which then came super close to pooping on Cman.
After we finished at the zoo, we hailed a cab and headed downtown to the World Trade Center site (Ground Zero). Dude(ette)'s I cannot believe the amount of construction and rebuilt growth this area of Manhattan has experienced! Last time I was in this area it was depressing, and a smoldering hole, and businesses were still shut down and torn apart from the falling debris of the former World Trade towers. Now, well maybe also due to the nut-job hippies occupying Wall St, it's busy!! The buildings are gorgeous and huge and we found a great ... can you guess it?? Pub! for lunch...

Due to the insaneness of the Downtown area, we decided to head back up to Midtown and see the Empire State Building and Rock Center. When we got there we tried to get tickets to the Top of the Rock (which Ed, P, and I have never done - Cman had), but the tickets were ...ready for this?... sold out until 4:45pm. Ugh. So, we decided to tour Rock Center instead. We walked down a block to the Ave of the Americas (6th Ave) and what did we find there?? (Well what did we find besides Radio City Music Hall) Magnolia Bakery. O.M.G. peeps, this place is what dreams are made of. Want to see why??
Yes. That is Red Velvet Cheesecake with a homemade whipped cream top and an Oreo chocolate crunch bottom. Now, anyone who knows me, knows that I do not eat desserts, that is unless its a non-chocolateish cheesecake. This was heaven on a doily. Now before you go patting me on the back for chomping down that whole giant cheesecake, Ed and I and Cman shared it - even though Cman had his own.
Connor told me on the train on the way home that this was the best day ever and that he too wants on iPhone. The former I was/am so, so happy to hear and glad that his sleepover in a posh NYC hotel (The Carlyle) was fun and his day playing hooky and galavanting through NY on foot and cab with his best peeps made him one happy, albeit a lil spoiled, kid. The iPhone part...he's still only 13. I barely trust myself not to drop it and kill it, let alone a 13 year old. It may be a little bit before the iPhone part comes to fruition for him.
So, that ends our journey-filled two Sunday Funday's. We loved having Katie and Philip in town and can't wait to see them again in a month! But, for right now, it's off to RHN to get that puppy finished! Thanksgiving is a mere 3.5 weeks away and we need to get the renos done and moved in before that! Eeek! Here's to crossing every extremity including our fingers that we make that deadline! I leave you with a picture of the BFF's.
happiness pie! |
Oh and one last thing...
awesome fav party is the "party girl" pic!!!!!!