The new microwave is in. The new stove is in. The remainder of the cabinets are in. The refrigerator is tightly squeezed into its newly decorated corner. The dishwasher isn't in. Sad Panda. Ok, the dishwasher was in, but the darn thing suffered wounds we were hoping it'd survived during the big freeze a couple of years ago. No such luck. Dad and Ed plumbed and wired that sucka up and she wanted to work so badly, but spewed her hardest working part (water) all over the kitchen when she was activated. Ed did luckily find the part that was broke - which then of course translates to 'so we don't have to buy a new dishwasher'. However, as much as we would love one to match the stove and microwave, no can do homies, not until we invest in other items first. Anywhoosle, I didn't take any pictures of the whole sha-bang yet, but I can show you a sneak peek of the stove/microwave if you so prefer.

The counter tops have been altered slightly in terms of style. Not in OMG-wtf-were-they-thinking-my-eyes-are-burning-out-of-my-head-I-can't-stand-to-look-at-it-any-longer-why-are-you-toutureing-me?! kind of way, but more of an oohhh-ahhhh-that's-pretty kind of way. So, my peeps, I present to you the stone we fell head over heels for: Blanco Taupe. Yep, like my phone, I wanted to make out with it. (Although I of course am kidding about actually acting on that description, because that would be gross, weird, and result in water damage. It's just a simple expression of my affection towards such products. Comprende? Sweet.) Our new love, Blanco T., is granite. She is beautifully proportioned in all the right neutrals and sheds onto the very solid non-pattered kitchen some personality and beauty. She's not for everyone and will not suit all tastes, but we love her and feel she needs a home in our hizzy. Plus, Ed thinks it's way cool that a piece of natural stone will be gracing our very presence everyday in his favorite room of the hizzy - um, yea, he is a Geologist after all, and loves his trees and rocks. If you ask him the scientific name of a tree specie, he belts it out like a dictionary...or rain main. At Christmas, I bet he, his sister and Tyler will have a scientific specie naming contest- Ed with trees, Mar & Tyler with corals. It's bound to happen which is pretty cool (and intimidating). All those Brandt's are so smart.
L.O.V.E. |
After a much needed trip to Home Goods on Friday night (I had been holding off for months) Ed and I walked out with one of the coolest pieces of furniture and of course treats and a squeaky loofa for the dog. The layout of RHN is open. The big room is open into the dining which is open to the kitchen. This leaves us desiring a break-up (of the openness, not us) and definition of which room is which. However, trying to accomplish such a fete can only be done with furniture - excuse me, fun furniture. So, lo-and-behold, I present to you the winner for the most fun piece of furniture we own...

Isn't it just beyond fantastic?! It is so comfortable too. I have the perfect pillow for it - a birthday gifteroonie from one of my best homies, Jen. I honestly thought Ed was going to shoot the chartreuse beauty down, but he felt as strongly about it as I did and it went home with us. I thought we were going to have to fight off another home goods patron, but as soon as I plopped my tushy on that sucka, she knew it was game over.
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