Let's discuss the plan Ed and I have been mulling over for the past few weeks. This said plan is mainly focused around the back yard and its components. The main components in which I speak mainly consist of the yard itself, the shed, and the big ol' deckerooni. The back yard is a hot friggin' mess with a capital HOT. Between the railroad ties laying about (almost randomly), the fallen tree, the sand/gravel left from where the pool used to be, the left over electric boxes from the early days when there used to be a pool, the slightly wobbly deck, the shed that has a moss roof and exhausted paint, and the spotty patches of grass (real and onion) underneath the 7 inches of leaves, it needs help. BAD. Actually it needs 911, CPR, a defibrillator and a hot EMT yelling 'clear'! Look, I will show you that I'm not over exaggerating.
So, first on the list is raking/blowing allllllll those leaves up and chopping up that big ol' mess of a tree that took out the (what we think was a pool) pool. Then we begin taking the deck apart. Yes, I said taking the deck apart. I know it sounds like a huge ass undertaking, but the deck is a little shakey, a little tired, a little rotted, and a lot ugly. We will relocate the stairway to the front side of the deck, put up proper railings and decorate that sucker with some fabulous outdoor lighting and a grill.
Move the steps to the front right corner. |
Sad, sad, tired wood. |
The back yard, *le sigh*...oh the back yard. I think what's killing us about the back yard is this: it's an amazing space with amazing potential, but the neglect and years of just shit in the yard is so friggin overwhelming. Seriously, from the picture it probably looks like any other ignored piece of land, but our had railroad ties, a landing pad of sand and 3/4 stone, a dead tree and a helpless looking shed, and about four, yes FOUR, years of leaves built up on it (who knows, maybe more). We have spoke about what we need/want in the back yard to make it functional for more than just Mama. We want a somewhat leveler yard, a fire pit, room to put up a volleyball/badminton/darts space.
As for the adorbs lil lady in the back corner: we want to re-shingle the roof of the shed, possible install new windows that would keep the elements out, re-stain that sucker, build/get a new ramp and take out the rotting railroad ties and planting table. I would also like to make a landscaped bed of bushes around the outside. You know, drip her in Cartier boxwood bushes and Tiffany's daffodils.
She so needs a make over. The entire outside needs a makeover. It's so sad that everything went unattended for so long. Oh well, we will fix-er-up good as new. I can't wait to wreck shit! Excited!
Well, in other news we are finally taking the long awaited trip to the USVI! Yippie! We (Ed, my brother and I) all went in on and purchased my father a ticket for his birthday so he too could join us. He's always wanted to go and really? what better an opportunity; Cman is so excited that his pop-pop is able to go too. So, that's about it around here kiddos. I will be back next week after Ed and I work our asses off.
Yessssssss! USVI!!!!!